Understudies for the Hereafter has turned into a bit of a durational project with pandemic delays and other setbacks. The final work will include an animatronic moose which rests upon a vermiculite table, periodically rousing at which point it tracks those around it through the use of sensors. It apathetically returns to a habitual rest.
The rest of the installation includes a macrame landscape made from used fabrics braided into cord; square LCD screens with greens, brown, and yellows; spoken word; parametric speakers; and other animatronic components.
This project is supported through the Canada Council for the Arts and Memorial University.
As yet unresolved beach plastic debris cast with porcelain slip. Much credit here goes to the skillful work of studio assistant Sunny Provençal.
On-going experimentations in ceramics with firings undertaken in backyard and at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University in collaboration with students: Pit firings, raku, glaze resist, miracle-gro, hair, copper wire, salt, fuming, saggar, and other. Also experiments with locally source sedimentary clay, processed and test fired (CONE 08, 06, 04, 02, 1, 3, 5, 7)
Another project underway includes experimentation with beach plastics. Some initial test have been made in casting a melted cube made up of an assortment of collected marine plastics. The failures within this initial test has lead to some further review. Currently a graduate student at Memorial University is conducting further research into existing and emerging approaches to the safe and effective melting of unknown plastic materials.
Interview will coast residence are also being collected which will work themselves into a finished installation.
It is uncertain which directions this project will take.
The research is supported through the Canada Council for the Arts and Memorial University.
Legion will, in time, consist of one hundred autonomous robotic rabbits that mill about independent. The passive presence becomes quite menacing as they come together into formation and move together collective whole, only to break off again into their independent activies.
Prototypes with omni-directional movement, self-charging hardware and localization capabilities are currently being develop through the Intelligent Systems Lab at Memorial University.
This project is support through the Canada Council for the Arts and Memorial Unviersity.